This Indenture made this 8th day of Octr. in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Six Between William Henson John Henson Richard Henson and Paul Henson the Heirs of Paul Henson Deceased of the one part and Abraham May of the other part all of the County Wilks and State of North Carolina. _________ that for and in Consideration of the sum of four Hundred Pounds Good and Lawfull of the state aforesaid to them in hand paid the Receipt whereof they doth Acknowledge and themselves fuly satisfyed and Paid and by these presents doth Bargain Sell and convey unto the said Abraham May a certain tract or parcel of land Containing one hundred and fifty acres be the same move on Lefo Lying and being in the County of Wilkes and State aforesaid on the North fork of New River Begining at a Red oak above Horse Creed hence south one hundred and fifty three poles to a red oak on the south side of the North fork hence West one Hundred and fifty three poles to a Red oak on the North side of the North Fork thence North one Hundred and fifty three poles to a White Oak on a Ridge thence East on Hundred and fifty three poles to the first station Together with all wood waters Mines Minerals Herds laments and Appendunances to the said Land Belonging or in any misc Appertain- ing to the have and to hold to him the said Abraham Amy his heirs and Assigns forever and the aforesaid heirs of Paul Henson Deceased doth Covenant and agree the said Abraham May his heirs or assigns shall at all times forever hereafter Lawfuly and peaceably pocess and enjoy the said Bargained premises free and Clear of all encumbrances and Claims under him or them in Testimony here of we the said heirs of Paul Henson Deceased hath hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the Day and Date above mention Signed sealed and Delivered William X Henson in the presence of John X Henson James X Henson James Bumgard Richard X Henson Wm. Bumgard (wrote on the back thus) Paul X Henson North Carolina Wilkes County May Term 1797 The ____ Deed nead Duly proven in open Court by the oath of James Bumgard Esgr. and ordered to be Registered Test Wm B ____ ____
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