Ambrose Jones was born August 10th 1756
Martha Jones was Born August 10th 1766

William Jones was born October 23rd 1785
Priscilla Jones was born February 18th 1787
Nancy Jones was born March 27th 1790
Ginny Jones was born May 3rd 1792
John Jones was born November 24th 1793
Richard Jones was born June 8th 1795
Barbary Jones was born Aprile 19th 1797
Sinthy Jones was born June 13th 1799
James Jones was born October 24th 1801
Ambrose Jones Junior was born Dec 31 1803

Ambrose Jones and Martha Craig was  
married Dec 30 1784

Fineartte June 12, 1845 Dear Sir, I am requested to write to you by some of the heirs of Ambrose Jones who say that they are entitled to a considerable sum of money and perhaps some land, for the military services of Ambrose Jones. I can not at present get any satisfaction as to when or in what capacity Ambrose Jones served, but under- stand that he was a revolutionary soldier. His heirs represent to me that one of his children Polly Jones who is the principal legatee has appointed an attorney (w. Gardner Tanton I believe) to present the claims and to get all that is due, under the will of Am- brose Jones. The heirs intend to contest the payment of the money to Polly Jones and I request you not to pay over to Polly Jones or her attorney anything in right of Ambrose Jones until her right to it is established by a legal proceeding. The heirs are about instituting a suit for the pur- pose of trying the validity of the will of Am- brose Jones to pay the claim in question to Polly Jones. For the purpose of com-
mencing these proceedings and describing the subject matter properly, I have to request you to furnish me a statement of what ser- vice Ambrose Jones rendered to the United States? What amount of money or land appear to be due to him or his heirs? Is the half pay of his widow payable to his heirs? (she died about a year since.) If you have the means of giving this information it will render great ser- vices to the heirs of Ambrose Jones and any costs attending it I will sent at a moments warning. And if these is as they represent a sum of money due and unpaid, you will please enter a caveat or have the payment of it stopped until it can be judicialy investigated. I am your most humble servant John Wilson Hon. P.L. Edwards Coms. of Pensions
The deposition of John Jones a resident of Morgan County Ky taken this 30th day of January 1840 to be used as evidence in ______ the application of Mrs Martha Jones for a pension under the act of Congress passed July 7th 1838. Deponent being Forty-five years old deposeth and saith that he is the Son of Ambrose Jones deceased & Martha Jones the applicant. That he knew his Father the said Ambrose Jones was a pensioner on the note of the Kentucky agency at the time of his death and that he died on the twelfth day of June Eighteen hundred and thirty three & that his Mother the aforesaid Martha Jones had remained a widow ever since to the present period and he further saith that he has been this day shown his fathers family record which is in the handwriting of William Jones and ___ ____ and was in his Fathers possession before his death and has been in the possession of John Jones the deponent ever since his fathers death. the said record is in the family bible and marked A. and makes it part of his deposition and further saith note. his John X Jones mark Witness S R Turner JPMC State of Kentucky Morgan County Sct. The foregoing declaration of Mrs. Martha Jones and the deposition of John Jones were severely sworn to and subscribed before me Samual R Turner Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Morgan and State aforesaid And I certify the said Marhta Jones is consequence of old age and bodily infirmity is unable to attend Court. And that the said John Jones is a man of good Moral Char- acter and a person of truth and Veracity. Samual R Turner JPMC
State of Kentucky Morgan County Sct On this the 30th day of January 1840 Personally appeared before me Samuel R. Turner a Justice of the peace in and for the County of Morgan and the State of aforesaid Martha Jones a resident of the County of Morgan and the State of Kentucky aged 74 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declarations in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress ]passed July 7th 1838 entitled An act granting half pay and pension to certain widows. That she is the widow of Ambrose Jones late a pensioner on the roll of the Kentucky agency. She further declares that she was married to the said Ambrose Jones in the County of Greenbrier in the State of Virginia on the Thirtieth day of December Seventeen hundred and Eighty four(1784) by the Rev John Alderson a Baptist Preacher being first announced three times at Church before the marriage took place. The her husband the aforesaid Ambrose Jones died on the tweloth day of June Eighteen hundred and thirty three(1833) that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first of January Seventeen hundred and ninety four Niz at the time above stated she would wish further to add to this deposition the certificate of Rev? John Alderson also the certificate of the clerk of Greenbrier County Virginia stating the copy of John Alderson certificate to be filed in his office and further saith note. her Witness Martha X Jones S.R. Turner JPMC mark
Virginia Greenbrier County Clerks Office ____ I John Mathews Clerk of County Greenbrier aforesaid do hereby certify that in Examining the Records and files in my Office among other things I find the following Cer- tificate of the Marriage of Ambrose Jones to Martha Crage _____ "This is to Certify that these were _____in Marriage 1784 December 30th Ambrose Jones with Martha Crage by one John Alderson I do therefore certify that the above is a true copy of the certificate of the marriage of Ambrose Jones to Martha Crage taken from the Records of files in my office that it doth not appear whether the marriage aforesaid was ____ by the authority of a license Issued from this office in by ______ ______ of which was Legal. In testimony whereof I have herein to let my name and Affixed the Seal of my Office this the 7th day of June 1839 in the 63rd year of the Com= =monwealth Teste John Mathews CGC Greenbrier County I Henry Eustine a Presiding Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Greenbrier Aforesaid do hereby Certify that the Attestation of John Mathews to the above Certificate is in true form of Law Given under my hand and Seal the 7th day June 1839 Henry Eustine
Schedule District of On this day of 1821 Personally appeared in open court made such by the state of Kentucky being a court of record ^ for the said lenient Ambrose Jones aged about Sixty years resident in Floyd County in said Circuit who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare that he served in the revolutionary war as follows- In the 16th Regiment first commanded by Col Grason + next by Col Nathl Gist in Capt Thomas Bills Company of ____ commanded by Capt Robin Blackenridge in the Virginia line his original declaration was dated about June 1818- He cannot recollect precisely the time of his enlistment but served three years And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part there of with intent thereby so to deminish it unto being myself within that provisions of an act of Congress entitled "an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land + navy service of the United States in the Revolutionary war" passed on the 18th day of March 1818 + that I have not, nor has any person in ___ for me any
property or securities contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule here to annexed and by me subscribed- Farming House I have 4 head of horse beasts worth $125 8 head of Cattle 48 5 head of sheep 5 I own 30 head of Hogs 25 10 House furniture __ 5___ 218 He is a farmer when able to follow that ___ufcaton but has not been able to labour at any thing for the last 7 years he has had much impaired his sight He has a wife + 2 children reside with him. His wife is old and infirm and able to do best very little- one of his sons is 18 years old + is healthy the younger is 16- and is addicted to fits is unable to labour + is rather an incumbrance than a benefit Ambrose Jones Sworn to and declared on the seventeenth day of July 1821 before me Eli Shortridge on the circuit Judges for the state of Kentucky residing in the county of Floyd. Given under my hand + seal E Shortridge
I William Jas Mayo clerk of Floyd Curcuit Court do hereby cerify that the forgoing oath and the schedule thereto ____ are truly copies from the records of said Court + do further certify that it is the opinion of the said Court that the total ____ in value of the property exibited in said schedule is 278 dollars. the Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand + affixed the seal of said Court on this seventeenth day of July 1821 Will Jas Mayo Clerk of the Court for County + curcuit of Floyd
Pension Office June 18, 1845 Sir, In answer to your letter of the 12th ___ in the case of Martha Jones, Widow of Ambrose Jones, I have to inform you that he was a penioner under the Act of March 18, 1818 and the note of the Kentucky Angency at $8 per month. His widow was pensioned under the Act of July 7th 1838 at $80 per annum, commencing on the 4th March 1836 and terminating on the 4 March 1841 and again under the Act of March 3 1843 at the same rate of pension, com- -mencing on the 4 March 1843 and ending 4 March 1844 If you mite address a letter to P. Hagner Esq. Third Auditor of the Treasury he mite inform you to then the pension has been paid and what partial is yet due. Mr Jones was not entitled to Bounty Land. John Wilson Esq. Fincastle VA
Harrodsburg Ky February 3d 1840 Sir I herewith transmit the paper of Mrs Martha Jones for a pension, which I should be pleased to hear from when convenient. Your Obt Servt Chr Chism Col I L Edwards Commissioner of Pension Washington City
Declaration Morgan County and enlistment on this 1st day of November 1825 personally appeared Ambrose Jones in open court being made so by the laws of the state and having power t fine being a court of record for the circuit of Mor- gan resident in the county of Morgan state of Ky formerly a resident of Floyd county the ]said county of Morgan being cut of off Floyd county and composing a part of Floyd county until the year 1822-aged 75 or there about who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provisions made by the acts of congress of the 18th march 1818 and the 1st of May 1820 that he the said Jones enlisted for the term of three years some time in the year-to the best of his the said Jones recollection in the year 1777 but he has no data to refer to fix the precise date but thinks it was about a year before the battle of Monmouth in that he enlisted in the state of Virginia county of Augusta in the company commanded by Captains Thomas Bell and Mortty after he joined the Army he was transfered to captain Robert Brecinridges company both of which companies belonged to the regiment com manded by Colonel Grayson his given name not recollected it being -the 16th Virginia regiment in the line of the state of Virginia on the Virginia continental establishment. That he continued to serve in the said corps until he was taken prisoner at the siege of Charleston South Car
olina by the British when that place was taken by them that he escaped from the British and arrived at home eighteen days before the time of his enlistment had expired that he ob tained a regular discharge from Colonel Posey in Haunton Virginia which has been lost that his name has not been placed on the pension list that his original declaration is on file in the war department And in pursuance of the Act of the 1st May 1820, I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citi zen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disparcel of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to being myself within the provisions of an act of congress entitled an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Rev olutionary war passed on the 18th day of march 1818 and that I have not nor has any one in trust for me any property or rewrites contracts or debts due to me nor have any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed Schedule 150 acres of third rate land worth about $150 one home 50 5 cows 18 20 hogs 20 5 sheep _5_ $243 his Ambrose X Jones mark That since the exhibition of my first schedule
the following changes have been made in my property. The mare mentioned in the former in conjunction with her colt schedule valued at $40 dollars I exchanged for to one John Howerton another mare which mare I exchanged for to one Richard Ferguson the horse I now own mentioned in the present schedule the colt I disposed of in part pay for the land mentioned in the present schedule That by profession he is a farmer that he has to depend for a support upon his own labour with the means mentioned in the annexed schedule that his family consists of himself and his wife Martha Jones aged 56 years very much afflicted with some disease of a Rheumatic character that by violent pains she has last the use of one of her eyes and is unable to ___ or do any labour of that kind only being able to sew and knit a little and is not able to do much towards the labour necessary in the family and is unable to support himself that he himself is unable to labour for a support being nearly overcome by old age and various infirmities and is not able to support himself without assistance from his country or being a burden upon his friends and relatives. ___Morgan--Circuit Sct I James G Hazelrigg clerk of the Morgan Circuit Court do hereby certify that the forgoing Oath and the schedule hereto annexed are truly copies from the record of the said Court and I do further certify that it is the opinion of the said Court that the ___ assessment in value of the property exhibited in the aforesaid schedule is Two hundreds and forty three dollars. In Testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal there being no seal of office ___ my seal On this 2nd day of November 1825 James G. Hazelrigg Clerk of the Court of Maorgan Circuit Court
Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress of the 3d of March 1843 grant ing pensions for one year to certain widows who have service pensions under the act of July 7th 1838 State of Kentucky} Morgan County} Sct On this 13th day of May 1842 personally app eared before the _____ a Justice of the peace in and for the County aforesaid Marth a Jones a resident of said county of Morgan and state of Kentucky aged 77 years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on her oath make the following Declarations in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the act of Congress passed on the 3rd day of March 1843 granting pensions to widows of persons who served during the ] Revolutionary war. that she is the widow of Ambrose Jones who was a private in the army of the Revolution the regiment she does not now recollect and that she received an annual pension of $80 ___ under the act of July 7th 1838 she further ____ she is still a widow. her Martha X Jones mark Subscribed and sworn to the day and date above written Uriah Cottle. jpmc I also certify that I am personally acquainted with Martha Jones Wm Cottle jpmc
State of Kentucky} sct Morgan County} I John W Hazelrigg clerk of the court for the county saforesaid do certify that Uriah Cottle whose name is to the fore fowing certificate is his won had rite + the signature is genuine and that he is a duly qualified and acting Justice of the peace for the County of Morg an State aforesaid + that full faith and credit should be given to his acts or such Given under my hand and seal of office this 24th day of May 1843 Jn W Hazelrigg clerk of Morgan County Court

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